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Vahdam Inner Circle
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How It Works?
Create an account (Sign Up) to earn 150 welcome bonus points or sign in using your existing account. Like, Share, Shop, Review to earn points and make your way up to the tiers. Reap your rewards on your next purchase and avail discounts & exclusive benefits.
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0-1499 Points | Earn 10 Points for every Dollar spent | $1=10 Points
1500-4999 Points | Earn 20 Points for every Dollar spent | $1=20 Points
5000-9999 Points | Earn 30 Points for every Dollar spent | $1=30 Points
10,000+ Points | Earn 40 Points for every Dollar spent | $1=40 Points
The Vahdam Referal Program
Spread the love by inviting your friends and family to join the Inner Circle for awesome rewards. Generate your unique referral link. Share the referral link on Facebook, Twitter or Email with your friend. Your friend gets $10 off on their first purchase & your account gets credited with $10 when they makes a purchase. Use your credits anytime you shop next with us.
Easy Ways To Earn Rewards
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Earn 150 Points
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